Juneteenth Reality Hack

$5,000 in Prizes for Winning Teams

June 14-16th 2024 | Oakland, California

June what?

Juneteenth Reality Hack is a community-run augmented reality (AR) art hackathon co-hosted by Black Terminus AR and vision-aligned art, tech, and culture organizations.

Analogue and digital visual artists collaborate, create, and compete for $5K in prizes. From June 14-16th, we will convene teams of artists, strategists, and technologists to collaborate, design, and prototype art-based AR projects as part of an ongoing effort to bring the AR Museum for the People to life.

The AR Museum for the People is our vision for an open-air augmented reality museum that brings analogue artists together with digital artists to create a new dimension of art.

Our Mission

To develop and inspire the next generation of black creative technologists to enter the XR industry without learning to code or buying expensive gadgets.

Our Vision

To keep redlining out of the metaverse and to desegregate spatial computing. We do this by offering artists, designers, and professionals simple, mobile friendly hacks to create dynamic augmented reality art experiences and address the digital divide for artists. All they’ll need is mobile phone or a tablet.

Want to join our trusted partners? Check out our event overview and prospectus.
Connect with us junteenthhack@blackterminus.com

Futurists Like You

Who’s Attending?


Analogue & Digital Artists

Artist from all backgrounds are at the core creating new forms expression.


Creative Technologists

Software builders looking expand they’re tool kit in spatial computing.


Forward-Thinking Designers

Modern designers that will shape experiences for the next generation.

“You have a technology that has the potential to change art.”

Florcy Morrisette
Innovator and Strategist , Accenture

“I am so impressed with Black Terminus AR and the innovative ways it can bring voices and stories to life”

Kimberley Engelkes
Director, Microsoft Library and Archives

“This technology is amazing! It’s like magic!”

Dr. Anthony Muvunde
Minister of Agriculture, Tanzania